K&K Systems’ CrossTalk cloud software allows you to monitor and control one or mulitiple CrossTalk units that control school zone signs, message boards, navigational beacons, and aviation beacons. CrossTalk maximizes your time by allowing you to schedule, receive notifications, and manage multiple beacons in multiple locations using any internet connected device.
The CrossTalk device constantly monitors your units. Notifications via text and/or email are sent when CrossTalk detects conditions such as:
• Low Battery Voltage
• Low Solar Voltage
• An Outage
Every CrossTalk comes standard with a 10-year cellular plan. You're CrossTalk Account is setup and ready to use upon arrival of your units. To start using the CrossTalk online options, access the
login page located at:
687 Palmetto Road | Tupelo, MS 38801
tf 888.414.3003 | o 662.566.2025 | f 662.566.7123
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